Originally posted 2017-09-22 12:07:35. Home Automation The next logical step with Home Automation and my Google Home is to integrate some LED lights so I started doing some research and came across the Limitless LED lights. As it turns out, I didn’t look far enough and ended up with a few challenges getting everything working. Even posting on and searching forums I found that there was so much assumed knowledge and jargon that it was difficult to get to where I needed to be. So this post chronicles my journey into Home Automation nirvana (for now and for LED Lights
Integrating Google Home with Limitless LED Lights Part 2
Originally posted 2017-09-22 13:24:52. Home Automation This is Part 2 of our Home Automation article following on from Part 1 here. Home assistant allows you to use a URL as a command to trigger actions. This can be either on your home network or on the Internet. So the next step we need to follow is to get a Web command from a browser to trigger our Home Assistant and turn our lights on or off. This is more complicated than it sounds but paradoxically easier as well. A couple of things we need to bear in mind. First, to